
Do you want more information about our hotel or the restaurant? Are you coming to see us and want to make your reservation? You can contact us by filling out the following form and we will respond as soon as possible, or by calling us at 96 640 50 50. Thank you!

3 + 2 =

Responsible: Hotel Casa Julia
Purpose: Management of the contact form.
Legitimation: Express consent given by checking "I have read and accept the privacy policy".
Recipients: Assignments and/or transfers to third parties and/or organizations as indicated in the additional information .
Rights: Access, rectification, opposition, limitation, as well as other rights duly included in the additional information.
+ Information: You can consult information additional information about this through the following link.

Where are we?

96 640 50 50
Avda. Constitució, 30 - 03792 Parcent (Alicante)